Appointment - Intake Form



USA/CAN: 1.206.497.1500      ISR: 055.778.7348, 03.605.3553 (Message)



Present Field - Do Not Change:

Your Full Legal Name:

Please check all present symptoms related to your current condition:

Are you pregnant:     (If YES, not qualified)

Any pacemaker or ICD: (If YES, not qualified)

Do you have a Blood clot or any history of blood clots: (If YES, not qualified)

NOTE: If you answered YES to any of the above questions we can not help you.

Where Is The Location Of Your Pain:

Rate The Intensity Of Your Pain When Doing A Movement That Bothers You:


Present Field - Do Not Change:

When did your complaint/symptoms begin:

Describe your complaint/symptoms:   

Where is the location of your pain:      

What does your pain feel like:               

What was the cause of the symptoms:

What activity bothers you the most:    

What activity lessens your symptoms:

How have symptoms progressed:        

What treatments have you done (check all that apply):

Massage    Medication    Physical Therapy    Rest / Ice / Compression
Surgery     Chiropractic   Alternative     Laser   Acupuncture;


Preset Field - Do Not Change:

Have you seen a doctor because of your current condition:   

If so, what was the result:

Do you have any allergies, if so list them:


Preset Field - Do Not Change:

Have you had any diagnostic tests performed by any Doctors (check all that apply):

MRI    X-Rays    Lab Work    Functional Testing   Psychological Testing    Electro diagnostics    Others

If so, what were the results of the test :

Are there any additional comments about your condition that you feel would be important for us to know:


Year of Birth: Today's Date:

Home Address :
 City :    Prov :   

Zip :

Home Phone :
Work Phone : Cell Phone :  

Best Time To Call To Setup An Appointment With You:
Best Number To Call:



Press this button to submit your information:
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