Top athletes and many regular people worldwide have avoided painful ACL surgery with ARP treatments. Our proprietary ACL knee treatment really  works and in most cases allows our patients to avoid ACL surgery altogether. Our treatment can often repair ACL, repair torn ACL, resolve ACL injuries, help patients experience faster recovery from an ACL tear and avoid reconstruction surgery. Torn ACL and tears in your ACL can be treated in many cases with going under the knife and risking dangerous surgery. Rehabilitation of your ACL is possible is less time, at a lower cost and easier than you ever imagined.


Current and Past clients include:






• and numerous professional Olympic athletes


The ARP is a breakthrough in soft tissue rehabilitation.

Physical therapy works on the physical symptoms the ACL tear.

The ARP treatments work on the neurological origin of the tear.

The pain in your knee is where the problem ended not where the problem is coming from.  If your ACL is torn but NOT completely severed there is a great chance you do NOT need surgery.

The problem is NOT your ACL it is the muscles not absorbing the shock that caused the ACL tear.

Our system finds the neurological origin of the muscle failure and gets the muscles to absorb force.

The result ... no surgery needed and no pain.


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CASE STUDY (typical):

A 40 year old active skier sustained complete ACL tear after skiing injury on 3/1. Physical exam revealed 3+ lachman test, and 3+ pivot shift. MRI revealed complete rupture of ACL. The patient wanted to do high intensity strengthening pre-op and thus she was placed on ARP strengthening for 10 sessions.

The patient was seen for her pre-op appointment on 4/13 and on exam was noted to have full ROM from 0 to 155 degrees as well as negative lachman and pivot shift testing.

Due to these unexpected findings, a repeat MRI was obtained which showed an intact ACL.

Surgery has been cancelled and the patient continues to do ultra exercises.

MORE: ARP System can help you with your ACL, ACL tear, ACL repair, ACL rehab, ACL reconstruction, acl injury, knee surgery or ACL knee and help you avoid ACL surgery.


ARP treatments is the most remarkable rehabilitation and training program I have witnessed in my 25 years of professional hockey.

It has done remarkable things for my clients.

Andrew Alberts of the Boston Bruins was out for three months and the team thought he was done for the year. Andrew was treated for three days and returned to Boston. He skated with the team for a week and then was cleared to play and finished the season and the playoffs with the Boston Bruins.

Casey Borer of the Carolina Hurricanes completely tore his MCL and had a 2/3 tear of the ACL. He was treated by Denis Thompson for three days prior to surgery to get all of the muscular inflammation out of the knee. The doctors repaired both ligaments on a Monday followed by Casey using the ARP each day on his muscles following surgery.

Casey was on a bike for range of motion on the Thursday immediately following surgery which is absolutely remarkable. Casey is several months ahead of normal recovery for such an injury. Neil Sheehy Former NHL Player Sports Attorney Represents NHL Hockey Players.

Neil Sheehy
Former NHL Player Sports Attorney
Represents NHL Hockey Players

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